Sunday, September 29, 2013

Other Trails in Mohawk Trail State Forest

Elder Grove Trail

(River Road to Nature Trails)

Start of trail is on west side of Florida Bridge on River Road. Parking is across the bridge on north side of road.

The trail follows the south bank of the Deerfield River, and it is delightful.

One of the many sights along the trail is the romantic embrace between a huge boulder of the Moretown Formation, which is about 510 million years old, and a tree.

Nature Trails

A network of nature trails wind through forests and fields next to the Deerfield River and connect with Mohawk Trail State Forest and Campground.

Where the Elder Grove Trail and Nature Trails meet, there is a connector trail that heads upslope to the Mahican-Mohawk Trail.

View To Old Depot

A short side path to the Deerfield River affords a view across the river to an old depot next to the train track.

Pine Plantation

The trail goes through some old pine plantation stands.

Wheeler Grave Stone

Trail Sign

Trail Map

There is a trail map at the entrance to the State Forest on the north side of the bridge.

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